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Policy for the acceptance of donations

Our Policy for the Acceptance of Donations ensures that we reflect our mission when we raise money. The policy provides a clear set of principles that allow fundraising to take place sustainably, in line with our values, and to comply with regulatory requirements.

The ongoing support of our community of partners, fundraisers and donors enables us to meet our charitable objectives.

We generate income for our Charities through fundraising — from large philanthropic donations from other Foundations or private individuals through to corporate and public donations.

Our Policy for the Acceptance of Donations ensures that we reflect our mission when we raise money. The policy provides a clear set of principles that allow fundraising to take place sustainably, in line with our values, and to comply with regulatory requirements.

In this way, we ensure that fundraising is conducted in a professional and ethical way which builds trust with our stakeholder communities.

The policy covers how the Foundation makes decisions on accepting a donation, particularly in situations where, in accepting a donation, it could be considered

  • contrary to our charitable mission, values, or objectives
  • detrimental to our beneficiaries, or impact them negatively
  • unlawful, or
  • uninformed consent: that a supporter is in vulnerable circumstances and may not be able to make an informed decision.

How are donations managed?

Donations for Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation, and our Charities (Evelina London Children’s Charity, Guy’s Cancer Charity, and Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity), are managed by Fundraising & Supporter Development (F&SD), a professional department situated within King’s College London which works with and on behalf of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation to raise funds for Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust. F&SD operates a unique UK model, which generates fundraising and supporter engagement activities across King’s College London and its hospital partners.

Conditions by which donations are solicited and accepted by Fundraising & Supporter Development on behalf of Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation and its Charities are set out in a policy. To find out more, view the full policy on the KCL website (PDF).